Friday, May 29, 2009

~~~Here you have just 3 of the staff members at my "boot camp" and aren't they just so perky?
More later from Geneva Park Fitness Fever Weekend....

Monday, May 25, 2009

~~~Here's the Bride and Groom....50 YEARS AGO....
Old Bro #1 and his darling bride celebrated their 50th Anniversary on Sat. at the home of their youngest child in Oakville and what a beautiful home it is. It was so good seeing many old relatives and friends.

I did admire Grandson for being so patient and joining us for the day. He commented that "I have never been hugged and kissed by so many people that I don't even know before"! He so funny!

It was the most beautiful sunny day and we really enjoyed ourselves.

Congratulation to the "life long honeymooners"!

Till next time...

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~~~# 2 Son is enlarging his garden and I got to supervise...LOL
I stayed at #2 Son's overnight and had a lovely visit with the family following the celebrations in Oakville the previous day.
I had a very good workout early in the morning before he started on his garden.
"Thank you Harley Lady and hubby for all the advice you gave #2 Son!

Let me tell you about my workout...OK?
I started at the north end of Soper Park and walk and jogged along the beautiful path ways through the park until I reach the photo taking site.

Now the City has built this area especially for wedding photo opts. I spotted an arbour which was loaded with a magnificent blooming wisteria. It brought back memories of the wisteria that "L'll Sis and I enjoyed at the home of William Shakespeare in the south of England last May.

Anyway back to the adventure....I proceeded alone Shade St. to McNaughton and then the old workout part of my brain kicked in and I jogged UP McNaughton St. hill....yes, I jogged up the hill....what was I thinking...quite surprised myself and when I got to the top I wasn't even breathing heavy...It sure is a wonderful feeling to be in good condition.
I continued along many streets that I hadn't been on in many, many years. I had a good cool down and a real stretching session and then joined Son in the garden.

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~~~There's Grandson on the left with some of his "ball hockey" team members. Ball hockey follows the same rules as ice hockey. What I found lacking was the speed of ice hockey...this was the first time I have watched ball hockey. Those kids sure do a lot of running and wearing the same equipment as ice hockey except for the skates and it sure is hot and sweaty on the floor as they play the game. By the way the score was 8 to 6 for Grandson's team...they were very happy!
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

~~~What a difference a day I'm not going to break into song however I sure feel like it...The apple tree is in full bloom today ...Enjoy!

Till next time...
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

~~~These are Giant tulips which have grown to almost 3&1/2ft. Amazing to think these beauties were sleeping under all that snow just two months ago!
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~~~~Well, here is the apple tree in bloom and it is wonderful to see. Last year it didn't produce any apples...I figured it out...this beauty functions on a 7 year cycle so I think I am in for a bumper crop....we'll see...

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

~~~~Can you guess what this is???....NO, it's not a burial plot...LOL. This pic is what's left of the 3 yards of topsoil I had delivered. Now it is half that size since I have been hauling wheelbarrow loads to the flower beds. This is the first time that the beds have been topped up since we have been here and that is nine years...hard to believe it has been that long.
Gee, time really flies when you are following your "Bliss"!

Till next time...

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Monday, May 11, 2009

~~~Here is dear Grandson doing the "hyperextension"! Now I know that y'all are going to howl when I tell you that this is one of the stretches that I want to do and I have put it on my "Bucket List"....

Go on and have your howling laugh but stranger things have happened... LOL

Till next time...

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Thursday, May 07, 2009

~~~I am always amazed as to how a garden bed looks so finished once this gardener does some edging...and I have just a little more to do on the front beds.
Did I just refer to myself as a gardener...LOL! I can hear dear husband giggling!

Till next time...

Saturday, May 02, 2009


Enjoy the pix!

Till next time...

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